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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  July 14, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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good morning, a dramatic rescue along a marin county beach after three teenagers were swept into the ocean. the new warning issued to swimmers. two new developments in the beating case of giants fan brian stowe. plus the leaders of uc schools will debate an expensive issue this morning. the new challenge for students across the state. all ahead on the ktvu morning news. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. it's thursday, july 14th. i'm pam cook. >> and good morning. i'm dave clark. let's check your weather and traffic, here's steve. >> thank you very much. more low clouds, not as much drizzle, though. that's the good news. at least it will not be as bad as yesterday morning when it was more like light rain but still temperatures held in check. i think we will see the sun earlier today, mid to upper 70s, a lot of 60s, 70s, few 50s
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hanging on along the coast. highway 4 looks good so far anyway. nice dry over to concord from the bay point area. this morning we are looking at the commute in san jose along northbound 280 and that traffic moving along nicely. it's 5:00. let's go back to the desk. overnight news, oakland police see two overnight shootings appear to be related. officers were called to peralta street at about 10:00 p.m. where they found a man lying on the street. minutes later they were called to the scene of a second shooting on 13th street, both shooting victims were rushed to highland hospital where they underwent surgery. also overnight police connected evidence suggesting the two shootings are connected but so far no arrests have been made. also in oakland this morning, police are looking for three gunmen who held up a gas station mini mart. that happened last night in the broadway terrace area. the store clerk says the three men got away with $600 and two
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cartons of cigarettes. no one was hurt. time is now 5:01. this morning we are following two new developments in the brian stowe case. first his family has posted a new message on its website. they say the critically injured giants fan is showing new signs of improvement. they say he is opening his mouth on his own when it's time to check his temperature and he's even enjoying tv shows in his hospital room. also the girlfriend of the suspect giovanni ramirez is now behind bars in las vegas. 26-year-old denise piconi is facing drug and weapons charges hoo. she is the suspected getaway driver in the attack at dodgers stadium. a tattoo has now become critical evidence in a homicide investigation in antioch. police say a 21-year-old suspect had the words "no warning shots" tatooed on his chest. police say antonio eskavelle is being held for the killing of a
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19-year-old man in antioch in may. investigators say he got the tattoo two weeks after the fatal shooting and they say that's no coincidence. however, the murder suspect strongly denies that the tattoo has any ties to the crime. your time now 5:02. president obama and congressional leaders meet again today for the fifth time trying to work out a deal on raising the national debt limit. coming up at 5:15 we will have a live report from our washington, d.c. newsroom on the very tense moments yesterday when that group met. also china now says it is concerned about the lack of progress in the talks of raising the national debt limit and moody's investor service has warned the united states may lose its top credit rating soon. if the government doesn't raise the debt limit. china by the way holds more than a trillion dollars in u.s. treasury debt. uc regent students are bracing for another round of tuition hikes. uc regents met this morning in san francisco and are expected to approve a 9.6% increase.
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that's in addition to a previously announced 8% increase set to take effect this fall. with the start of classes just five weeks away, students have little time to come up that with extra money. >> i'm going to have to come out of pocket with a lot more of the tuition so that is a concern. but i was hoping for the best right now. >> today uc regents are also expected to approve a pay raise for the ceo of ucsf medical center for profits. while the timing is unfortunate, they say they are trying to hold onto the best people. in a couple of hours from now barts general manager will report to the board of directors on that deadly july 3rd police shooting at the same time bart says it will be tough on protests in the future. bart says it will be zero tolerance for protesters who try to shut down train service, this after this group took over
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the civic center station on monday protesting the july 3rd shooting of charles hill. bart's police chief says charles hill threatened his officers with at least two knives and a broken bottle. three teenagers are in the hospital this morning following their terrifying ordeal on a sa concluded marin county -- secluded marin county beach. we tell you how they were swept off into choppy waters yesterday evening. craig, you're in marin county now. good morning. >> reporter: it was very dramatic circumstances that led up to this rescue. this is where the girl who is most seriously injured was taken by helicopter, by life flight. we are hoping to speak with her brother. her brother e-mailed us overnight and he wants to speak to the two guys who pulled his sister out of the water at tennessee valley beach in marin county. take a look at these pictures from there and you can tell from the pictures why this west marin county beach is popular
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but what visitors do there can also be dangerous. the coast guard and other emergency responders got the call to go out there yesterday about 10 after 6:00. two witnesses we spoke with said the girl and three other people who appeared to be teenagers may have been trying to reach a popular beach -- popular spot on the beach at the time but getting to that spot requires people to walk around a rock that sticks out into the water. >> we usually run around there too so i looked and i noticed they got bad timing, when they came around the wave was huge and it knocked them over. we seen them flip and everything. >> we got down there and then the two girls were floating around and we were able to save one of them but the other one floated off to the other side. >> reporter: that young man just happens to be a pool attendant at an alameda recreation area too. one of the boys that went into the water to try to save his friend did not get out right away. coast guard helicopter plucked him from in or near the water. two of the beach visitors were taken by ambulance to marin
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general. we don't have information as to whether or not they are still at marin general, but this is a helicopter like the one that brought the girl here to john mere yesterday. obviously she is already here so we are going to try to speak with her brother who e-mailed us overnight to see if we can get more information on her condition. reporting live from walnut creek, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. want to go back over to sal to check in on traffic. >> we are looking at some things that have already popped up on our screens. traffic is light. east shore freeway, looks good there, no major problems as you drive out toward the macarthur maze. this morning's commute looks pretty good if you are driving out to the bay bridge toe plaza. it is light with no major issues on the way into the bay bridge. and 280 northbound getting up to highway 87 looks fine.
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i wanted to mention that sinkhole we talked about last time southbound on 87 near west virginia, it's -- our crew is there, we do see it, it's actually there, so it's not causing a huge traffic issue now but we are going to watch it and we will let you know more about it coming up. at 5:07, let's go to steve. >> thank you. we do have low clouds but not too much in the way of drizzle. if we do you can tweet me sp weather. yesterday it was a slam dunk. you could see it in a san mateo shot and numerous reports coming in. we have the low overcast. it will burn off sooner today than yesterday. it made it out to the sacramento valley. once the fog burns off not too bad. the weekend are not too much train, fog, sunny, breezy, seven to 10 day outlooks keep us on the cool side and in fact maybe through the end of july. we will see. high-pressure system on the 10 day outlook keeps it in the middle of the country, both of them. our forecast models in sync with that. we should see slightly warmer
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weather once the low ejects out of oregon giving us low cloud deck. san rafael, 50. a lot of mid-50s here, 56, 55 rather popular. west-southwest 15, west at oakland, west 22sfo, southwest vacaville, delta breeze, threferg. if you like the cool weather, you can thank that little low right there. if you don't like it, hang on, warm weather be back but not in the next couple of days. a decrease in the drizzle compared to yesterday. more sunshine today, cool for some, mild for others, maybe not too bad and if you get in the mid to upper 70s that's nice but the emphasis here is that these are really cool temperatures for too time of year. i don't see much change through saturday, warmer inland as we head towards sunday, monday. >> thank you, steve. 5:09 is the time right now. the accused picasso thief
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linked to another expensive heist. the crime he's accused of across the country just three months ago. it's hard to believe what would motivate a person to -- to do this sort of thing. >> we are hearing more about what was behind that disturbing case of domestic violence in southern california. good morning. 680 southbound traffic moving along nicely passing mission. we will tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead. hey parents, it's going to be a big school year.
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see, i'm not just teaching woodwinds and strings. i'm teaching attitude! if your kids want to sound cool, they have to look cool! so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim. school takes a lot. target has it all.
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well, happening right now in grand rapids michigan, a public viewing is underway of betty ford's casket. want to take you there live this morning. you can see her casket inside the gerald r. ford presidential museum in grand rapids and we are taking a look at some people start to file past the casket this morning to pay their respects to the former first lady. later today the casket will be transferred to a church for a national tribute service. there will be a private memorial for the family as well, and following the service betty ford will be buried next to her husband on the grounds of his presidential museum. your time now, 5:13 now just 20 days left until the nation hits its debt ceiling. it looks like the talks have collapsed in washington. ktvu's alison burns live in our washington, d.c. newsroom with reports that president obama stormed out of the latest
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meeting. alison? >> reporter: the white house is denying that president obama abruptly walked out of last night's debt talks but no doubt he's angry about how it's all going. the blowup happened between president obama and house majority leader eric canter, one witness says the president tore into canter refusing his demands for a short-term debt limit increase. canter says the president told him don't call my bluff. i'm taking this to the american people. democrats are rallying behind behind the president's hard line stance. >> as far as i'm concerned, the president has the patience of a saint. he's making the case. >> reporter: now the stakes are getting higher by the minute. moody's investor services is threatening to lower the united states' aaa credit rating. of course that would send shockwaves through wall street and be a huge setback for the economic recovery. i'll show you what house speaker john boehner is saying about how president obama is negotiating during my next
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update in about an hour. for now we are live in washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> ktvu's washington bureau is scheduled to set down for a one- on-one interview with the president today. you can see that exclusive interview with the president this afternoon on ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00. prosecutors say an argument over house guests is behind a disturbing case in southern california where a woman is accused of brutally attacking her husband. 48-year-old katherine becker hid her face during her first court appearance yesterday, a warning, details about this case are graphic. police say becker drugged her husband, tied him to the bed, then severed his genitals. she could face life behind bars. >> anytime we charge torture or aggravated mayhem, those are serious cases because they are cases involving life sentences. in order to meet the threshold of torture, there has to be some extended circumstances,
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facts and circumstances. in this case we believe the facts merit the charges. >> becker returns to court next friday. she is being held without bail and her husband, believe it or not, it listed in good condition. the casey anthony case in florida is prompting new legislation here in california. caylee's law would make it a felony not to report a child's disappearance within 48 hours. it would also be a crime to not report a child's death within two hours. caylee's mother, casey anthony, was acquitted of murder last week in the death of her daughter. anthony did not report caylee missing for one month after her disappearance. similar bills are pending in at least 17 other states. time now 5:16. the man accused of stealing a picasso drawing from a san francisco gallery is reportedly linked to another theft. mark lugo has a warrant on him in new jersey. he's charged with stealing three bottles of wine, each of them worth about $2000.
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that's according to the jersey journal. this 78 cents video photo you're looking at shows lugo in the black shirt inside gary's wine store in wayne, new jersey. that's where the alleged theft happened in april. the san francisco police say surveillance video helped them arrest lugo last week and recover that stolen picasso. he's due in court tomorrow and expected to plead not guilty. the time now is 5:16. want to go back over to sal to check in on traffic. how is the commute, sal? >> pretty good. we don't have any major problems. we do have a crew on the scene of a sinkhole in san jose and that has not been causing any major traffic problems, but this is on west virginia near the guadalupe parkway and you can see our -- in fact, i'm looking at a live picture of our crews that have just set up there and just -- they are running around trying to get in
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place. tara moriarty is out there working hard along with a photographer. they are just about to be up. i see him walking down the guadalupe parkway towards the sinkhole. so pardon me. are they coming up, brandon? yes. okay good. westbound bay bridge, that traffic moving along very nicely, it is nice and early for you. also the morning commute looks good on 280 northbound getting up to highway 17. at 5:17, 5:18, let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir. well, yesterday low clouds persisted for many until late in the afternoon and today we will have low clouds kind of hanging in there a little bit but i think they will burn off sooner. yesterday it maxed itself out. at least we don't have much in the way of any drizzle at least so far. yesterday, though, measurable amounts fell and tough morning commute as sal touched on. still low clouds around, making a march inland so still going to be a cool day. i did notice i was checking around sebastopol, petaluma,
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mid-40s, temperatures about 45, 46, 47 degrees, knapp airport -- napa airport 51, so there are cool numbers you can see in the blue. mid-50s everywhere else. if you had the cloud cover then you're probably in the mid- 50s. if you had a break in those clouds, temperatures have cooled off into the upper 40s and even low 50s here. west breeze, 23 at sfo, 15 fairfield so it's still going to be a day of a delta breeze hanging on and everything is associated with that low right there until it ejects out probably later today we deal with night and morning low clouds and fog, a decrease in the drizzle, though, not as much, probably be some but nothing compared to yesterday. low clouds, fog, then sun, breezy out of the south- southwest, more sunshine tomorrow, cool to mild, the emphasis is these are cool numbers especially inland for this time of year and looks like there's really not much change in the next seven to 10 days just a little bit warmer away from the coast, but not much. night and morning fog take us into friday, saturday, then
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slight bump-up in those temps sunday, monday. european markets are starting the trading day with losses. overnight asian markets posted some gains, some losses. investors are reacting to a warning by moody's investor services threatening to lower the united states' credit rating. checking in on wall street, we do have some decent news to report on the earnings front this morning. jpmorgan posts higher second quarter profits and we look ahead of the bell, we will have some unemployment numbers coming up that could send the market in either direction as you can see. all three here in the u.s. posting slight gains yesterday. the number of homes taken back by lenders is down 30% from this time last year, but not necessarily good news. instead, most banks are taking more time to foreclosure on homes -- foreclose on homes because they are still working through foreclosure
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documentation problems that surfaced last fall. analysts say that could delay the recovery in the housing markets until 2016. time now 5:20. will the alameda county grand jury published a report criticizing oakland's building services division. the grand jury decided to investigate the building services division after getting several complaints from property owners about excessive fees and liens as well as abusive treatment by inspectors. the grand jury report says and i'm quoting the grand jury is appalled by the actions of the city of oakland's building services division and its impact on property owners in oakland. oakland mayor gene kwan is promising to overhaul that division. it is now 5:21 and they help premature babies get a start in life. the success story of a neonatal intensive care unit in walnut creek. plus the harry potter movie magic is about to begin where a large crowd of muggles will be partying tonight in san jose.
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sinkhole has opened up in san jose along a very busy freeway here. it looks like this is going to be a major problem for the san jose commute. we will have to give you details straight ahead.
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once again we have a problem in san jose where we have a sinkhole that's opened up on highway 87 near west virginia. this unfortunately has affected
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one of the freeway lanes there in the southbound direction. we will get you more about this story coming up. take a look at that. the very wet weather is just not letting up in colorado. quarter size hail felt in parts of denver yesterday. storms packing strong winds and rain have battered the city for the past week. there's also some concern near boulder that all the rain may cause a landslide. well, not as many people are lighting up here in california. new state figures show the smoking rate has reached an all time low. last year 11.9% of adults in california smoked. that's down from 13.1% in 2009. and the rate is down dramatically from 1988 when cigarettes were first taxed in california. back then the smoking rate was 25.6% for men, 20% for women. time now 5:25. a great story.
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the neonatal intensive care unit at john muir intensive care center is celebrating 20 years of helping premature babies and some of the babies now grown children came out for a celebration last night. they include a now 15-year-old girl who weighed only 2 pounds, once ounce when she was born. >> she was literally the size of a barbie. she was 14 inches, so from her head to her behind was the size of my palm. >> i was a little smaller when i first -- was first starting out than most kids but other than that, i'm perfect 15-year- old. >> she is. well, upstairs this four day old baby boy was born 11 weeks early. his parents say he may be small but he's so strong they gave him a middle name of hercules. anticipation building for tonight's final harry potter movie premiere. the tech museum in san jose will host a party tonight for fans. people are being encouraged of course to dress up as their favorite potter character.
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to mark the end of the decade's long franchise, as many as 400 people are expected to show up at that event. a red carpet will be rolled out for the sold-out party at 10:00 tonight. the premiere of the movie begins at midnight and to accommodate all the fans that could not get tickets to the first show, an additional screening was added at 2:30 in the morning. a fire at a napa valley winery owned by a famous filmmaker. the irreplaceable items that were threatened. the marin county sheriff's department is investigating bottle bombs. we will explain why it's a problem for some transit passengers. plus a giant sinkhole opens up on a freeway in the south bay.
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good morning to you. welcome back. this is ktvu channel 2 news thursday now, july the 14th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. time now 5:30. thank you for joining us. let's check in with steve paulson for a look at weather. >> thank you very much. more low clouds, not as much drizzle, though. thankfully yesterday it was more like light rain, measurable amounts came in. still plenty of low clouds burning off sooner today, 50s, 60s, 70s, again mid to upper 70s but temperatures continue to be below average for this time of year. right now traffic is moving well on highway 4, although getting much busier coming up
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to the willow pass grade and slowing in antioch already. this is a look at interstate 880 that traffic looks good. 5:30. let's go back to the desk. developing news in the south bay. a big sinkhole has opened up on highway 87 in san jose. ktvu's tara moriarty is there with a look. >> reporter: yeah, this is about a 30-inch -- 30-foot wide sinkhole that you see behind me here and i noticed -- they noticed the problem on tuesday so crews came out here and poured some gravel, sort of a quick fix to this problem, and what they did then was last night they came out and they compressed this gravel over here. if we can pan over here to the right. there's a lot of gravel right here as you can see and what they did was compressed this and they saw that it actually sunk even lower, like a foot and you can tell that the road is completely exposed there so they knew they definitely had a problem. so they shut down the road at 9:00 last night. this is highway 87 southbound near west virginia street.
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and the -- just south of the alma exit, that is also shut down. that off-ramp has been closed. the on-ramp is still open from 280 as is one lane of 87. but in any case, some of the things that cause sinkholes, vibration of traffic and heavy loads on the road surface. we are not going to know exactly what caused this one but we know engineers are coming out here in about an hour to try to determine exactly what the problem is, how they need to fix it, because as you can see part of the roadway is cracking right there and looks like it's sort of shifting down. lots of crackage along this side and on the other side so definitely going to have to take care of this problem and from what i'm told by caltrans and chp this area is going to be a mess this morning and for a very long time because not something they can fix quickly. if you have to use this area for this morning's commute, you might want to rethink your commute and try to avoid this area. live in san jose, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news.
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>> tara, time now 5:32. investigations happening right now after a dangerous device was found at a bay area bus stop, so-called soda bomb was found there. ktvu's jade hernandez is in marin county. what do you know? >> reporter: someone is filling bottles like these with a concoction that explodes in the hands of anyone who picks them up. sheriff's deputies found a device similar to that right here at the marin city bus stop. deputies found the device before 2:00 yesterday afternoon. no one was hurt but what could have happened is what worries county authorities. the mixture of common cleaners and aluminum foil placed inside of the bottle result in a gas built-up and then an eventual explosion. we have a youtube video which shows devices being detonated. back in may police warned residents about these devices. e-mail sent out to all schools since a few months before police had arrested a group of
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teenagers setting off drano bombs in an open space in january. we checked with the marin county sheriff's office, they haven't arrested anyone yet in this case. this area has its share of armed robberies, crimes of opportunity. we are going to have that and more coming up. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. emeryville police are asking for help tracking down a hit-and-run driver who seriously hurt a young woman. police released this surveillance photo. they say it shows a dark colored suv, the one that hit -- likely hit the 22-year-old victim. now, it happened at the intersection of add lion and san pablo on tuesday at about 2:30 in the morning. police say the victim was in a crosswalk and was dragged at least 30 feet. she remains in the hospital in intensive care. time now 5:34. the government of chile increasing the reward money offered in an unsolved killing that happened right here in the bay area. take a look at a new picture. this is the victim adolfo
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bravo. he was a chinaian citizen -- chilean citizen who recently moved to berkeley to be with his fiance. he was shot and killed near the ash by bart system. the chilean government contributed $3000 to the reward money which now totals about $20,000. san jose police are trying to identify a body that was found near a golf course. a fisherman made the discovery in coyote creek yesterday afternoon. police say the body was found in a wooded tree lined area next to a public trail. the coroner's office is now checking the fingerprints and will conduct an autopsy. time now 5:35. most oakland residents reportedly believe dogs need a place to run in the city. what they can't agree on is where a new dog park should be built. coming up at 5:45, even the oakland parks commission had a hard time making a decision on what to do next. filmmaker frances ford coppola's winery in the napa
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valley should be open this morning but after a fire. it happened yesterday evening. firefighters say a chimney caught fire above the winery's restaurant. about 75 people had to be evacuated but no one was injured. the restaurant is just below a hall that holds props and memorabilia from coppola's films but so far sounds like all of that is okay. >> good to know. 5:35. sal is ready to help you get out the door. >> looking pretty good for the most part. we did have the problem we have been talking about since we started here at 4:30, that sinkhole southbound 87 near the alma street exit, and near west virginia. now, that is not affecting traffic so much now because it's light but chp says and you heard our reporter tara moriarty say they are expecting it to be a mess out there later on as the commute wakes up and people use 87. if you -- that's you, you should plan an alternate route because there will be a lot of heavy traffic in the area and we will go back out live again to show you more live pictures
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in case you didn't see them, i think you'll want to see them if this is your commute to see exactly what the problem is. let's go out and take a look now at northbound 880. the traffic here looks pretty good driving past the coliseum and today as we go to a picture of san francisco, you'll notice a lot less of that -- well, it was light rain in many areas, so you don't have to deal with that. yesterday we had a lot of fender benders as people were driving around slipping and sliding into each other. and a lot of serious crashes but it might help this morning that it's not quite as bad on the roads anyway. 5:37, let's go to steve. >> that is true, sal, especially from san francisco to the san mateo bridge yesterday it was light rain not just drizzle but we had mist or drizzle reported all the way from santa rosa to danville and morgan hill. current temperatures cool, spat pool -- sebastopol 45, mill valley three temps at 48, novato 49 and napa numerous reports around 48 or 49, north
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napa. the airport running slightly warmer. fog low clouds, mainly low clouds. fog lifted high, couple thousand feet. napa airport 48. 50 at sonoma county airport, mid-50s, if you have the cloud cover. if you have clear skies temperatures have taken a nosedive there. west-southwest for many up to 23 sfo so again everything in place as long as that low right there into oregon continues to influence our weather, we stay below average on the temps. the high-pressure system, the big dome of it is in the middle of the country and doesn't show much sign of moving anywhere back towards us, maybe slightly but a slow process. low clouds moving inland, a decrease in the drizzle we saw yesterday. the fog will burn off sooner today, then sunshine, breezy at times, maybe even windy, san pablo bay out to the delta. more sun today. cool to mild, many warm. some locations continue to try and flirt with the upper 70s to near 80.
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75 sonoma, fairfield 76, they were 74 yesterday. 79 brentwood antioch, 65 oakland, 70 for danville. morgan hill 80, gilroy 79, 73 woodside, 64 san bruno, still upper 50s on much of the san mateo coast but near 70 for santa cruz and capitola. for the space shuttle atlantis crew today may actually be the easiest day of the whole mission. in fact, we are looking at them live again, pam. >> nice. >> we are spinning in the air with them. great picture. >> they are floating. >> a short time ago, they actually -- the crew members here carried food and clothing from the space shuttle over to the international space station so now they can do what they are doing live on ct right now -- ktvu right now, eating, relaxing, enjoying a meal of barbecue chicken, southwestern corn and baked beans as well. and also in less than an hour from right now, pam and i will
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be talking live interviewing the crew of the space shuttle atlantis from the international space station, they are waiting for us and that interview is coming up for you at 6:26 this morning. >> i can't wait for that. be nice to talk to them. 5:39 is the time right now. a dangerous struggle. the dramatic fight captured in the water between a fisherman in a canoe and a shark. plus how a bay area teenager who died at a sleepover is being fondly remembered. good morning. if you're driving in the south bay for the most part we do have some good traffic to report, but there is one major exception. we will run that down for you coming up. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ well, happening right now
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in los angeles, the announcement of the nominees for the skinned prime time -- 62nd prime time emmy awards. actors joshua jackson and mccarthy making the presentation. let's listen in for a moment. >> laurence fishburne thorough good, will i can't remember hurtt bush william hurtt too big to vale, and edgar ramirez carlos. >> the nominees for outstanding host for a reality or reality competition program are, tom bergeron, "dancing with the stars," cat deeley so you think you can dance, phil hogan, the amazing race, jeff probst, "survivor" and ryan seacrest, "american idol." >> reality competition program, the amazing race, "american
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idol," "dancing with the stars," "project runway," "so you think you can dance" and "top chef." >> the e-mail -- i'm behind the times because i didn't even know they had the categories of reality host and reality competition but ryan seacrest and "american idol" in there. >> "so you think you can dance," two of our shows. >> we are monitoring this. we are waiting for the actor and actress in the best movie category so we will come in on that. >> we were there live. time now 5:44. here's a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you right now. now, the family of bryan stow posted a new message on their website. they say the critically injured giants fan is actually showing new signs of improvement. they say now he's opening his mouth on his own when it's time to check his temperature, he's even enjoying tv shows in his hospital room. in just a couple of hours
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from right now, bart's general manager will report to the board of directors about that deadly july 3rd police shooting. at the same time bart says it will be tough on protests in the future. as you remember, this picture, the group disrupted bart service on monday protesting that deadly bart police shooting. and uc regents are expected to approve a 9.6% tuition hike when they meet this morning in san francisco. the regents say those tuition hikes are necessary after the state budget funding to the uc system was cut by an additional $150 million. so far no group has claimed responsibility for a triple bombing in mumbai that killed 17 people. want to show you video from one of the sites this morning. take a look at the damage. police are still guarding that area. india's home affairs minister says it appears the bombs were made with ammonium my trait and -- nitrate and rigged with
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timers. hillary clinton plans to visit india next week despite the attacks. >> we condemn these acts of violence designed to promote fear and division. those who perpetrated them must know they cannot succeed. >> at least 130 other people were hurt in the attack. security cameras were reportedly in place where the three blasts occurred but it's not clear if they provided any information yet. time now 5:46. a funeral service will be held tomorrow for the teenaged girl who died during a sleepover over the weekend in santa rosa. 14-year-old takami raul was remembered last night at this memorial at rencon valley middle school where she went to school. about 100 people showed up. they shared stories and mourned the loss of this young lady who died of what appears to be alcohol poisoning. >> what are our kids doing? how well do we really know our kids? have we had critical conversations with our kids? i know my wife and i and a lot
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of my staff have now had multiple conversations with our children in the last three days. >> her funeral is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. tomorrow at saint eugene's cathedral in santa rosa. it will be open to the public. oakland's planning commission will have to decide the fate of two dog park proposals without recommendation from the park commissioners. the newest plan is for a dog park behind children's fairy land. a 10-year-old proposal would build one near the grand lake theater on lakeshore boulevard. supporters tell the park commission that dogs need a big open space to run and socialize. they say the area known as astro park near lakeshore and macarthur is wide and flat giving the dogs a place to play. but opponents say that would require building a fence for the area that flows from the farmers market to the lake. >> there's a connected urban space there that will be broken up with the dog park. >> definitely should put one
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in, the lake would be perfect. >> the planning commission must now decide if there should be one or two or possibly no dog parks added to the city. >> interesting. time now 5:47. let's go to sal. you got a lot to talk about already this morning. >> we do. we have that sinkhole we have been following since we started the show at 4:30. this sinkhole has opened up on highway 87 near alma street. actually closest to west virginia. and you will see the sinkhole not going to be fixed rather easily. in fact they do have to do major work. caltrans said they are expecting to be out here until noon fixing this sinkhole so some of the lanes will be closed and we are expecting rather large backup. some people in the other direction may also be affected as they slow to take a look at, well, all of the commotion here on highway 87 near west virginia. let's go out -- there it is. you can see that. this is a look at 237, the traffic is going to be light here as you cross 880.
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and also this morning we are looking at san francisco along northbound 101, that traffic looks good. this is the first time in a few days we have been able to see this picture because the fog is not quite as thick as it was yesterday. 5:48, let's go to steve. >> that is true, sal. also a lot less drizzle than we had the past couple days, or light rain. still temperatures will struggle to get into the upper 70s to low 80s for some. low overcast, still plenty to go around, few more holes or breaks in it today compared to yesterday when it was a big overcast. not much and i shouldn't say big overcast. it made it all the way out to the sacramento valley. not much change as we go into the weekend, fog, breezy. temperatures this morning are cool, sebastopol 45, kenwood 46, pen groves 47, mill valley 48 and napa 48, 49 depending on your location, even see some locations now starting to continue to dip more towards the mid-40s so it's cool if you don't have any low clouds. if you do, it's in the 50s.
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napa airport 48 degrees, 56 livermore, 56 in mountain view and that low spinning there produced a few showers up near -- thundershowers near shasta yesterday, also into oregon, that's the source of our cooler pattern. it also picks up that fog bank and sends it inland nights and mornings. again drizzle not as much as a factor today. fog, sun, more sun today. temperatures will be on the cool to mild to maybe warm side. 79 clearlake, richmond only 72, 73 concord, walnut creek, danville four. berkeley 64. morgan hill now seems to run warmer than gilroy. cupertino 73, saratoga 75. low 70s woodside palo alto, 60s upper san mateo, and then 5060s closer to the coast and in the city but near 70 for santa cruz
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and captol -- capitola. this morning the third largest oil company in the u.s. announced it will split into two separate companies. conoco-phillips says one company will focus on refining and marketing, the other will pursue exploration and production. it looks like the news will send conoco-phillips stock up nearly 5% this morning. computer sales were up 2.3% in the second quarter but that was less than analysts forecast. they say tablet computer sales are cutting into pc sales. despite that, hewlett-packard remains the time pc seller in the world. and speaking of tablets, there are several reports that amazon will challenge apple in the tablet sales starting this fall. sources say the tablet will have a 9-inch screen and offer users access to amazon's extensive media collection but won't have a camera. the reports also say it will be powered by google's android, no word yet on the cost. time now 5:51. a close call for a santa barbara county fisherman who
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catches and releases sharks from his kye i can't tell for fun -- kayak for fun. he caught one, wanted to take a picture of it but that shark had other ideas and ended up flipping over the kayak. >> once you're in the water it's a whole different scenario. you can see that shot of that shark dangling below him. at any moment that shark could have arched up and taken his achilles out, a calf, a thigh. >> he wrestled that shark for a half hour trying to control it and also to keep from being bitten. he walked away with just a scratch on his finger. and in case you're wondering, he did get that picture in the end. well, why health care is back on the hot seat in san francisco. the big decision supervisor will make about health care and who should get it. plus, the british are coming. why they are already taking over a san francisco landmark.
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welcome back to the morning news. it's now 5:55 and take a look, the metrodome in minneapolis has a new roof. this is -- we just looked at time lapse video. of course took a little longer than that to inflate the new roof. officials say the new roof is made of a material that is stronger than steel and more wind resistant to the old one but it's still an inflatable roof and you might remember the
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heavy snow caused the old one to collapse last december. >> incredible. this morning the media gets a close look at that massive project happening right now at at&t park. in fact, news chopper 2 shows us the home of the giants slowly being transformed into a soccer field. on saturday britain's manchester city will take on mexico's club america. it's part of the world football challenge. yesterday manchester city proudly showed off their championship trophy at the british consulate in san francisco. today san francisco's board of supervisor will consider expanding -- supervisors will consider expanding the health care ordinance. right now most cities have to provide health care benefits or pay into a city fund to cover insurance for workers but some workers say their employers including many restaurants are finding a way around that law and they want the board to close that loophole. time now 5:56. what's happening on the roads, especially san francisco now,
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sal? >> yeah, we do have the south bay of course we are watching, we have been watching 280 northbound, it has not been affected by any of the south bay sinkhole action on 87 near alma so you don't have to worry about. the sa nault grade traffic looks good. driving on the westbound bay bridge that traffic looks nice coming into san francisco with no major delays. it's 5:56. let's go back to dave and pam. >> thank you, sal. dramatic changes for the better for injured giants fan bryan stow. what his family and his doctors now say he can do that he could not do before. plus the ground opens up on a san jose street. what happened just hours ago and how one community is affected. still a lot of low clouds. will we see a sooner burnoff today and slightly warmer temps? we will have those in two minutes.
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good morning, developing news now in san jose. this sinkhole causing headaches for drivers right now. the neighborhood affected and the repairs that are happening right now. and we have a live report explaining why the marin county sheriff's department is worried about bottle bombs. a dramatic rescue along a marin county ac


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